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Nidanam - Herbal Ayurvedic Medicines

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Nidanam - Herbal Ayurvedic Medicines

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Monday 15 June 2015

Have a clean and clear skin with herbal medicine for acne

Acne is a common problem among teenagers. It is due to physical and hormonal changes taking place in the body of teenagers that leads to growth and development of acne and pimples on the skin. Even some youngsters and elderly people may also suffer from acne and pimples due to over-production of sebum from the oil glands or sebaceous glands. This in turn creates blockage in the pores of the skin with a sticky mass of dead cells and oil. This mass then takes the form of acne or pimples. Even use of certain cosmetics may result in acne and pimples.

The area affected by acne and pimples experience irritation and inflammation. There may be redness as well as swelling as well. Although acne is not a serious skin issue however it may make anyone start panicking. It is due to the reason acne and pimples interfere with the outer beauty of a person. In order to get rid of acne and pimples and have clean and clear looking skin, you may use herbal medicine for acne. It can be used in the form of certain herbs or other naturally occurring ingredients on the skin as mentioned hereunder.

1. Garlic or Allium sativum is one of the most wonderful herbs that can be used to treat acne. You just need to rub raw garlic or paste prepared from it on the affected skin areas as many times as possible in a day. It offers great relief from constant itching, irritation and inflammation on the skin. Even raw garlic may be consumed to heal this condition internally.
2. Ayurvedic medicine world advocates use of neem as well for treatment and prevention of acne and pimples. Consume 4-5 fresh leaves of neem everyday in the morning and get rid of this problem for good. Even you may drink water to which neem leaves have been boiled.

3. Rubbing the pulp or juice obtained from aloe Vera on your skin offers cleansing effect to the skin. It helps in removal of dead skin cells and excessive oils which in turn eradicates acne from the skin naturally.

4. Beet root is also an effective herbal remedy for acne. Prepare a solution by mixing beet root juice, carrot juice and water and consume the same regularly. It offers detoxifying effect to the liver and the entire body. This action cures the problem of acne automatically.

5. Prepare a paste by mixing chickpea flour and water and use the same to cleanse your face. It is an excellent acne cure.

6. Extract obtained from grape seed can be mixed with water and applied on the affected skin areas using cotton ball to get relieved of acne and pimples. Use the same remedy 2-3 times in a day.

7. Apply cucumber juice over the acne and pimples 2-3 times in a day continuously for few days to have the desired results. Even cucumber juice may be consumed to cure this condition internally by cleansing of the blood.
All these remedies for acne are safe and hence can be used by anyone suffering from acne and pimples.

Monday 8 June 2015

Promote good health of liver using herbal medicine for hepatitis b virus

Hepatitis B virus is a serious condition related to the liver. Under this condition, there is infection in the liver due to which various liver functions are impaired. It is mainly caused due to attack of hepatitis B virus on the body as a result of which the functions of the liver are affected adversely. It is a condition in which liver suffers from permanent scarring. It is worth noting that anyone may suffer from this health issue. It may be acute or chronic in nature. Therefore it becomes all the more important to diagnose and treat this condition in the initial stages. Since liver has an important role to play in the digestive process as well as other important functions associated with the body therefore hepatitis may affect the overall body health negatively.

Contagious nature of Hepatitis B virus

It is noteworthy that hepatitis B virus may spread from one person to the other in multiple ways as mentioned below.
  • Use of shared needles during intravenous drug administration
  • Having unprotected sex with multiple sex partners
  • Having sex with a person who is infected with HBV
  • A man having sex with other man
  • Occupation in which you are exposed to human blood commonly
  • From a mother to the foetus
  • Living with someone who suffers from chronic hepatitis B virus
  • It means the hepatitis B virus may be transmitted from one person to the other via semen, blood or other bodily fluids
Major signs and symptoms of hepatitis B
The symptoms of hepatitis B may appear mild to moderate to severe in different people. The chief signs and symptoms include pain in the abdomen, fever, loss of appetite, dark urine, and pain in the joints, feeling of nausea and vomiting, constant feeling of weakness and fatigue and change in the colour of white of eyes and skin from normal to yellow.

Herbal medicine for hepatitis B virus

Although medical world has effective medicines and treatment options for hepatitis B virus however these may have some side-effects too. At the same time, it is also important to cure this condition. And it is best possible by using herbal medicine for hepatitis B virus. Some of the most effective herbal medicines or remedies for this health issue are mentioned hereunder.
  • Schizandra sinensis is a very good and safe medicine for this health condition. It helps in boosting natural body immunity so as to make it capable of fighting against infectious diseases related to the liver in an apt manner.
  • Curcuma or commonly known as yujin is another effective herbal remedy for hepatitis B virus. It helps in offering safe and effective relief from the problem of hepatitis B.
  • Glycyrrhiza uralensis or commonly called as licorice root is quite effective in the treatment and prevention of hepatitis B virus. It is due to presence of certain compounds in this herb that help in stimulation of the interleukin-2 in the body. This in turn aids in pacing up the process of recovery from this health condition.
To conclude, herbal medicine for hepatitis B virus is quite effective in the treatment and prevention of this health issue.

Sunday 7 June 2015

Herbal medicine for heart disease for keeping heart safe and healthy

Heart issues are on rise these days attributed to the changing diet and lifestyle of almost all people. Gone are the days when only elderly used to get affected by heart diseases. Now younger generation is also suffering from numerous common as well as serious heart related issues. It is because we hardly pay attention to whatever is eaten by us. Largely, people prefer consuming junk, processed and frozen foods that are all high in calorie content. At the same time, physical activity has almost become zero due to deskbound lifestyle and such occupations that demand constant sitting for hours in front of computers or laptops. Consequently, some problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and stress, tension and depression have become common. But it is quite harmful or dangerous for the human population. Keeping in view the importance of heart for human body, it is very much important to take care of this organ.

Treatment and prevention of heart diseases through herbal medicines

There are certain components or herbs found in the nature that may help you to keep your heart in normal working order and in good condition from point of view of its health. These are described as herbal medicine for heart disease in the ayurvedic texts. Have a look.

i. Asparagus is a very good food when it comes to promoting good health of the heart. It helps in making the heart muscles strong so as to keep it protected against any unnecessary damage. Extract juice from fresh asparagus and mix the same with honey. It proves to be one of the best medicines to treat as well as prevent heart diseases. It has to be taken thrice in a day to support normal heart functions.

ii. Ginseng is also an amazing herb which is best suited for heart patients. It improves health of the heart in a natural way. It helps in reducing any type of inflammation in the heart. At the same time, problems of blood pressure and cholesterol in the body are also managed well with the help of this herb.

iii. Grapes that are liked by all people and especially children prove to be quite effective as far as management of heart issues is concerned. Regular consumption of grapes helps in toning up the heart muscles. Problem of heart pain and palpitation of the heart is controlled in an apt manner by consuming grapes. People who are at high risk of heart attack are advised to incorporate grape juice in their regular diet to prevent risk of this serious heart issue.

iv. Safflower oil is quite helpful in management of some heart issues such as high cholesterol problem as well as hypertension. People suffering from ischemic heart diseases are also benefitted with the use of this oil. Similarly, other cardiovascular disorders such as myocardial infarction are also controlled in an apt and safe manner using this wonderful oil.

Apart from using herbal medicine for heart disease, heart patients are advised to follow a healthy diet and active lifestyle. Numbers of heart problems can be prevented just by becoming active.

Thursday 4 June 2015

Permanent cure for migraine headache with ayurvedic medicine

Although most of us suffer from the problem of headache due to varying reasons however migraine headache is somewhat different than normal headache. It is due to the severity of the pain felt by the sufferer due to attack of migraine. It even interferes with normal life of a person as the sufferer is not able to carry out routine tasks appropriately. The sufferer wishes to be alone in a dark and quiet place so as to have some relief from this really painful condition. Women are more prone to suffer from migraine attacks as they undergo various hormonal changes in their bodies during menstrual periods.
What causes migraine?

Migraine attacks may be triggered due to multiple reasons in different people. The chief causes out of these include smoking, excessive intake of alcohol, skipping of meals, dehydration, use of drugs, lack of proper rest and sleep, low level of blood sugar in the body, allergic reactions taking place in the body, carrying out of excess of physical and mental activity without taking any break, deficiencies of certain nutrients in the diet and stage of menopause in women. If the triggering factor for migraine is properly diagnosed then the condition can be managed well.

Chief signs and symptoms of migraine

Unlike normal headache, migraine is characterized by specific signs and symptoms. The chief symptoms out of these are localized pain on one side or even at one point of the head, feeling of vomiting and nausea, experience of pulsation behind the eyes, coldness of hands and feet, enhanced sensitivity to light and heat, diarrhoea and aggravation of the headache upon exposure to loud sound.

Ayurvedic medicine for migraine headache

Although the severity of pain associated with migraine may make anyone panic however there is no need to worry as this condition can be cured as well as prevented with the help of ayurvedic medicine for headache. It is available in the form of certain ayurvedic remedies that can be used by the sufferer so as to get effective and permanent relief from this condition.
  • Drink plenty of water if you suffer from migraine more often as dehydration may be the possible cause for recurrence of this pain.
  • Drinking a juice prepared by mixing together equal quantities of carrot juice and spinach juice offers great relief from this condition.
  • Boil chamomile powder in water and drink the same when it is hot. It is an amazing remedy to get rid of migraine pain instantly.
  • Apply a paste of cabbage leaves on your forehead when you suffer from migraine pain. The paste can be prepared by crushing few leaves of cabbage and then can be applied with the help of a cloth on the forehead.
  • Similarly a paste prepared by grinding of few lemons can be applied on the forehead to get relieved of the pain instantly. You need to use lemons which have been peeled off to make the paste.
People suffering from migraine need to have patience so that apt ayurvedic measures may be taken to get relieved of the associated pain. Use these ayurvedic medicines to have effective relief from the painful condition.