Friday 14 August 2015

How Ayurvedic medicine for allergy improves immunity?

Among various health issues suffered by human body, allergies are also common. These are mainly caused due to low immunity or improper working of the immune system. Allergies may be caused due to varying triggering factors such as foods, pollens, dust, dirt, strong odours or even some other factors. Even reaction caused due to intake of certain drugs or medicines may lead to allergies of varying nature on the body. Any type of allergy is caused due to abnormal reaction of the immune system to certain stimuli. The latter are termed as allergens in medical science and the associated condition is called as allergy.

- Allergies may be characterized by constant sneezing, running nose, hives, rashes on the skin, coughing, watering from the eyes, anaphylactic attack in some cases, asthma, flatulence, swelling of the throat, flatulence, eczema, itching, irritation or blisters on the skin. The triggering factors for all these symptoms may vary in different individuals. Whatever the reason may be allergies are quite discomforting for the sufferer.

Ayurvedic medicine for allergy
Ayurvedic viewpoint about treatment and prevention of allergies is to attack at the root cause of this problem. It means ayurveda aims at improving the overall body immunity so that it may be able to fight off allergens and the corresponding reactions in a better manner. There are certain natural remedies that may be used in the form of ayurvedic medicine for allergy to combat this condition.

Lemon which is known for its anti-allergic as well as anti-biotic properties may be used to get rid of allergies for good. Prepare a drink in lukewarm water by mixing lemon juice and honey in it. Take it every day in the morning on an empty stomach to improve your immunity naturally.

Similarly, you may enhance your body’s capacity to fight against allergens by having another effective drink. It can be prepared by mixing together juices obtained from carrot, cucumber and beet root. Mix all the juices thoroughly and take it once in a day on regular basis. It is an effective remedy for different types of allergies.

Ginger is another naturally occurring ingredient that is prescribed in ayurvedic texts as one of the most excellent remedies to fight off various types of allergies. It is all due to presence of anti-inflammatory properties and compounds in this wonderful ingredient. You may consume raw ginger or take ginger tea regularly 2-3 times in a day. It helps in boosting your natural immunity and hence reduces the chances of falling ill.

Apple which is liked by all is also an effective and ayurvedic mode of fighting off various types of body allergies. It is all due to medicinal properties contained in this fruit that helps in improving your body immunity. Consume apples regularly and make the same an important and essential part of your diet. It has rightly been said, ‘an apple a day keeps doctor away’.

So we have seen that ayurvedic medicine for allergy chiefly aims at improving body immunity so that chances of occurrence of allergies may be reduced.

1 comment:

  1. Nice allergy id happen in 2 of 5 persons it quiet helpful.
